Pop-up studio projektu CZ/DE Design Thinking Exchange

Staň se mezinárodním designerem – přihlas se u tohoto stánku na workshop, ponoř se do Design Thinking procesu a poznej rozmanité způsoby smýšlení a pracovních postupy předních designérů. Inspirativní prostředí pop-up studia realizujeme ve spolupráci s Česko-německým fondem budoucnosti a designéry z partnerské kreativní zónoy Degginger z bavorského Řezna.

„Sprint“ určený široké veřejnosti (cca 20 minut):
pá 15. – 18.00, 19.00
so 16. – 11.00, 15.00, 18.00

„Reimagining the Bottle“
The most important container for us today is the bottle. We dare you to enter one of our many fast-challenges: Explore with us new ways of thinking about the second life of bottles, design the next generation of bottle openers and carriers, how would a message in a bottle look like today and can you fathom the next trend for packaging liquids? We turn the best ideas into 3D printed prototypes, right at our booth. Stop by our booth and think, sketch and prototype your vision!

Odborný workshop určený designerům a tvůrcům z kreativních odvětví (cca 2h):
so 16. – 13.00, 16.00, 19.00

„Building (audio) bridges“
The iron curtain wasn’t just a a physical border that stopped people from crossing, it hindered people from exchanging opinions, knowledge and culture. The one thing that seamlessly could pass through, were radio waves. Radio was the internet of its time and one of the most accessible means for entertainment and communication. We invite you to join one of our Design Thinking workshops, focussing on the radio. How can we bring the renaissance of the radio back to fruition. What values, emotions and benefits does the radio encapsulate that smart phone and internet can’t deliver? Together we will create ideas and concepts in a 2 hour workshop format and build the best ideas as prototypes.

Omezená kapacita – rezervace nutná předem na info@plzendesign.cz.